74 research outputs found

    Dissemination and standardisation of learning technologies - Annual report work package 4

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    This report describes the results and activities of work package 4 of the research and development programme on learning technologies. Work package 4 dealt with the dissemination and standardisation of learning technologies. This project ran from May to the end of December 2002. It is not feasible to add all the products and results of work package 4 in the present report. All accompanying products and results are stored on R-drive/OTEC/Development/WP4, though. Several products and results are also bound as seperate OTEC-reports. In the text of this report we refer to several of them. The present report, then, provides a description of all the activities carried out under its aegis

    Eindrapport Evaluatie prototype

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    Adviezen: Natascha Dietz en Paul ReitsmaVan januari 1999 tot en met april 1999 is het prototype van het ELON-systeem ontworpen en gerealiseerd. Dit prototype heeft de volgende functies (Zie Koper, Manderveld & Rikers, 1999): * Demonstratie van ELON voor intern en extern gebruik. * Projectleden het gevoel geven voor de opzet van het systeem en de mate van complexheid. * Als werkende omgeving dienen voor de eerste proeftuin bij de Hoge Hotelschool Maastricht (HHS) en Fontys. * De werking van de verschillende beoogde softwarepakketten, die bij de bouw van ELON worden gebruikt, in de praktijk testen. * een nadere input vormen voor de uiteindelijke architectuur van het systeem. * Een nadere input vormen voor de invulling en planning van werkzaamheden in de daarop volgende fasen

    Educational Modelling Language

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    This chapter is about an open learning technology specification called Educational Modelling Language (EML, 2000). EML has been designed within the Development-programma of the Open University of the Netherlands as a means to support re-use and interoperability. This language and conceptual ideas behind it have evolved and have gained world-wide acceptance in the shape of the IMS-Learning Design. The chapter elaborates on the requirements for the creation this language and provides several examples of use, accompanied by the representation of these examples in the run-time system Edubox. Published as: Hermans, H., Manderveld, J., & Vogten, H. (2004). Educational Modelling Language. In W. Jochems, J. van Merrienboer, & R. Koper, Integrated e-Learning (pp. 80-99). London: RoutledgeFalmer

    The future of lifelong learning: Experience the scenario method

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    Manderveld, J. (2009). The future of lifelong learning: Experience the scenario method. Presentation at the third and final TENCompetence Winterschool. February, 3, 2009, Innsbruck, Austria.Presentation during TENCompetence Winterschool. If there is a fortuneteller who knows all the answers on questions about the future of lifelong learning, what kind of questions would you ask? Last year SURFfoundation conducted a study on the future of virtual learning environments in higher education. The idea was to develop four future scenarios for higher education in 2020 and the predicted impact on virtual learning environments. To develop these scenarios we used the scenario method. This method is used by a lot of companies, to define the future trends and to decide on their strategic decisions for the upcoming years. In this workshop you will work the scenario method. This method allows you to experience the future and to develop future images concerning lifelong learning. It will be a lively and interactive workshop, and it will present you a new manner of conducting ā€˜researchā€™.The work on this publication has been sponsored by the TENCompetence Integrated Project that is funded by the European Commission's 6th Framework Programme, priority IST/Technology Enhanced Learning. Contract 027087 [http://www.tencompetence.org

    EML and LMS related standard

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    IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. (IMS) is developing and promoting open specifications for facilitating online distributed learning activities such as locating and using educational content, tracking learner progress, reporting learner performance, and exchanging student records between administrative systems. The IMS project defines the following separate specifications. Ā· Learning Resource Meta-data (p. 9). This is a specification of meta-data used to identify ā€œlearning resourcesā€. Ā· Content packaging (p. 13). A specification of how to assemble and distribute content in ā€œpackagesā€. Ā· Resource identifiers (p. 17). This defines persistent, location independent resource identifiers. Ā· Question & Test Interoperability (QTI) (p. 19). This defines the structure of questions and tests, and the grouping of these. Ā· Enterprise (p. 33). This defines the way information on the learning 'enterprise' (instructional processes) is shared. Ā· Learner information packaging (p. 37). This specifies how to record and share information on the learner. Ā· Reusable Competency Definitions (p. 40). An information model for describing, referencing and exchanging definitions of competencies, primarily in the context of online and distributed learning. Ā· Simple Sequencing (p. 42). This defines how to associate sequencing information with content packs (p. 13) and its default behaviour. Each specification has (or will have) at least three main parts: Ā· Information model ā€” an abstract description of the area modelled Ā· Binding ā€” binding to a particular language. For all specifications XML is the language of choice Ā· Best practice ā€” explanation of how to apply the model

    EML: van techniek naar didactiek

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    Een speciale plaats binnen de leertechnologie wordt ingenomen door Educational Modelling Language, een aanvulling op de al eerder bestaande afspraken over leerobjecten. Voor goed onderwijs zijn leerobjecten weliswaar een noodzakelijke, maar niet voldoende voorwaarde. EML is een modelleringstaal die uitgaat van <i>complete</i> leereenheden waarin naast leerobjecten vooral de <i>leerprocessen</i> worden beschreven

    Educatonal Modelling Language: metamodel voor onderwijs

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    Verschenen in: !Element (uitgave van de SGML/XML Users Group Holland), jaargang 9, nummer, 2 (juni2003), pp 4-10Wat is het kenmerkende van de Educational Modelling Language? Wat was de aanleiding voor de ontwikkeling ervan? Welke uitgangspunten zijn daarbij gehanteerd? Welke resultaten zijn in de onderwijspraktijk geboekt? Op verzoek van de redactie van Element (naar aanleiding van toekenning XML Award 2002 aan EML door XML/SGML Users group Holland)worden in dit beschrijvende artikel antwoorden op deze vragen gegeven
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